Data Literacy Workshops

Learn the Language of Data

Knowledge is power. The more you know and understand about data, the more empowered you’ll be to grow and scale your startup.

Enhancing Data Literacy

Empower Your Startup with Data Insight

Data is no longer just numbers on a spreadsheet – it’s the key to unlocking informed decisions, strategic growth, and a competitive advantage for your startup. But how do you translate raw data into actionable insights that fuel your business success?

This is where data literacy comes in. Our data literacy workshop equips early-stage tech startups and data-curious founders with the essential skills to confidently navigate the world of data. Regardless of your technical background, you’ll gain the knowledge and tools to:

  • Make data-driven decisions: Move beyond intuition and gut feelings. Learn to analyze data effectively and use insights to guide your marketing strategies, product development, and resource allocation.
  • Speak the language of data: Gain a solid understanding of common data terminology and concepts. Feel comfortable working with data and using it to communicate your ideas clearly.
  • Build a strong data foundation: Master the fundamentals of data collection, cleaning, and visualization. Learn to use beginner-friendly tools like Excel or Google Sheets to transform data into meaningful visuals.
  • Join a supportive community: Connect with other founders and data enthusiasts on a similar journey. Share experiences, ask questions, and gain valuable peer-to-peer learning.
Data-Centric Approach

What to Expect

Our interactive, live virtual workshop provides a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. Here’s what you can expect:

Expert-led instruction: Our instructor is a data storytelling pro with a passion for empowering startups.
Hands-on exercises: Learn by doing! We’ll put your newfound skills into practice through real-world case studies and interactive activities.
Actionable learning: Walk away with a clear roadmap for implementing data analysis in your startup and a toolkit of practical techniques.
Supportive learning environment: Ask questions, share ideas, and get personalized feedback in our live sessions and online community forum.

This Data Literacy Workshop Is for You If…

Early Stage Tech Startup

You’re passionate about your startup idea and hungry to make data-driven decisions that fuel growth. You may not have a technical background, but you recognize the importance of data and want to bridge the data gap.

Overwhelmed by Data

You’re inundated with data from various sources, but unsure how to make sense of it all. This workshop equips you with the tools and techniques to transform data into actionable insights.

Love Supportive Learning Environments

You thrive in a collaborative learning environment where you can ask questions, share experiences, and learn from your peers. Our live sessions and online community forum provide a supportive space for your data-driven journey.

Data Curious

You’re interested in learning how to leverage data to make better decisions in your personal or professional life. You have a basic understanding of computers and the internet, but no prior data analysis experience is required.

Data Is a Foreign Language

You’re tired of feeling lost in conversations about data and metrics. This workshop empowers you to understand common data terminology and concepts, allowing you to participate confidently in data-driven discussions.

Need a Solid Data Foundation

You want to establish a solid foundation in data analysis without getting bogged down in technical complexities. This workshop focuses on beginner-friendly tools and techniques that are easy to implement in your startup.

Customized Solutions to Fit Your Needs

We understand that every startup has unique data challenges and goals. In addition to our standard workshop, we offer customized training programs tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need in-depth training on a particular data analysis technique or a program designed for your entire team, we can create a solution that empowers you to leverage data effectively.

Deep Dive: Course Curriculum

Our data literacy workshop is designed to equip you with a well-rounded understanding of data analysis, covering all the essential concepts:

About The Instructor

Heather McDaniel is a marketing strategist and data storyteller on a mission to empower early-stage and growth-stage tech startups to leverage the power of data for impactful decisions and growth.

With over 20 years of marketing leadership experience across diverse industries, Heather possesses a unique blend of data fluency and marketing expertise. Her “People-First” approach integrates emotional intelligence with data analysis, ensuring everyone connects with the human story behind the numbers.

A Master’s degree in Strategic Communication equips Heather to translate complex data into actionable insights and captivating presentations. Audiences walk away educated, inspired, and equipped with practical strategies to implement real change.

Heather is a renowned speaker known for her infectious enthusiasm and engaging delivery. She is based in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, and brings a global perspective to her work.

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Contact Us


Travesía dos Basquiños
15704 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)


+34 644 84 17 04
+1 503-265-9663

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